Mario Kart, the wildly popular racing game for the Nintendo DS is now available. You know about the most well-known items like "koura" as well as "mushrooms" and the invincible killer who zips around the track and slams opponents down during the intense racing. You also have the "gesso", which adheres ink on carts that are more powerful than yours. Numerous new features are available in Mario Kart DS . In addition, a new mode "Mission Run" that can be run by one person is now available to complete the tasks. In the current version of Mario Kart there are a total of 32 courses including 16 brand new Kart courses as well as 16 redesigned courses. You can compete with eight other players through game sharing. You can also play with domestic or world opponents via Wi-Fi. Compatible with the original DS and Nintendo DS Lite /2DS /3DS