Pokemon Black Version 2 is available to purchase. The story begins two years after the events of Pokemon Black and White. The Pokemon Black 2 story begins with a brand-new Hero in Aspertia City and their Rival on the very first day of their Pokemon adventure. The Hero gets his first Pokemon from Bianca who is Professor Juniper's assistant (who we are very familiar with) However, the Rival already has a Pokemon that was born from an egg. Then, add all DS pokemon games to your collection, starting with this Pokemon Black Version 2.
This Pokemon Black 2 is compatible with any region Nintendo DS Lite DSi or 3DS. It runs flawlessly. It is not compatible with other devices, which means that there are no other transporters, games or any other generation games which require a transfer. The game can be played the way it is. The casings may not appear exactly the same as those shown.
Nintendo DS Pokemon Black Version 2 game is just an independent re-release. (no box included). The game's shell might differ from the image.